How should neuroscience come into our classroom? Which of these interventions (Adderall®, Oxytocin, Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Neuroprostheses (deep brain stimulation), Electroencephalography, Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging) are acceptable? Which too outlandish? Let the class decide.
Using one or more of 6 scenarios, students discuss in large and small groups the ethics of neuroscience technology use in the classroom. These scenarios are listed in the teacher guide. To easily print out one or more scenarios to hand out to students, one scenario per page can be found in the Scenarios document found in the Attachments section below.
For more on neural technologies and their ethical use, visit the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT) where you can explore a variety of teacher-authored curriculum units for middle and high school STEM classes. Ranging from 1-5 weeks, these materials were specifically designed for use in biology, physics, computer science, chemistry, and STEM courses. Based at the University of Washington in Seattle, the CNT offers pre-college educational programs that introduce hundreds of K-12 students to the field of neural engineering.